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The Paradox of Water: Wet or Not?

W ater is the universal solvent, the cradle of life, and the most abundant liquid on our planet. But it also presents us with a paradoxical question: Is water inherently wet, or is it a substance that can be considered dry? Diving Into Wetness “Wetness” is a condition we typically attribute to something that has been soaked or covered in a liquid. If you spill water on a piece of paper, the paper becomes wet. But does the water itself possess this quality? The Molecular Dance of H2O At a molecular level, water is a collection of H2O molecules, each consisting of two hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom. These molecules are attracted to each other through hydrogen bonds, creating a fluid that flows and takes the shape of its container. Wetness: A Relative Term When we talk about wetness, we’re really talking about a relative experience. A surface is wet if it’s covered by a liquid. But water, when it’s surrounded by more water, doesn’t cover or soak itself—it simply exists in a stat...

Humans Are Not From Earth : Book Excerpts

 We have grown so much in science, But where we came from is still not clear. There is so many theory about this but the most popular theory is The Theory of  Evolution by Charles Darwin. But this theory doesn't answer every question, like this theory says that we humans evolve from monkeys, then why monkeys are still monkeys why they didn't evolve. There are still so many questions like this which don't answer by this theory.

 We will learn about one of the Human Origin theories, this theory is given by Dr Ellis Silver against the Theory of Evolution which says we are not the original inhabitants of the earth, we are brought from another place by someone.

Dr Ellis Silver says that Earth isn't the natural home of Humans, and he gives many supportive reasons behind it. Those reasons are:

1. The Sun Hurts Our Eyes (Bright Lights): 

         We can't see in any bright light, it could be the sun or any electrical bulb, For example, imagine you're driving a car and the bright light of the sun focusing on your eyes, sometimes later you will see only dark but at the same time you will see birds are fl
ying in sun perfectly happily in all directions. That means sunlight doesn't hurt their eyes. This same thing happens to all animals on the Earth except humans. These all creatures are native to Earth and have had millions of years to adapt to living here, so it's not surprising that they can cope so well. What is surprising is that we humans- supposedly the most advanced species on the planet can't cope. According to the Theory of Evolution, we evolved from creatures like these (the ancestors of today's birds and other animals) millions and millions of years ago. Chances are they were able to cope with living here way back then too. This means that we should be able to cope at least as well as they can, if not better, after all these extra millions of years of development and "improvement" by Mother Nature. But we can't. This means either something has gone terribly wrong with evolution or- this is the most likely explanation as per make out- We Are Not From Here.

 2. The Radiance Of The Sun:

        UV light is harmful in several other ways. As well as causing cataracts, it’s also believed to be one of the leading causes of skin cancer, and it dries and shrivels up our skin, making us look old before our time. All of the other creatures on Earth (apart from those we’ve modified through selective breeding) have thick body hair, thick skin or scales, or they live underground, or underwater, or they only come out at night. That limits their exposure to UV, meaning that they avoid most of these problemsHumans are the only exception. If we go outside, we have to wear clothes, not only to keep us warm but to avoid exposing ourselves to too much damaging UV light. Researchers have found that more than a quarter of a middle-aged person’s skin may have already made the first steps towards cancer. 
    If thick body hair, thick skin, or scales are essential to staying safe and avoiding premature ageing – and it seems they are – then why don’t we have any? So why do we have to wear wide-brimmed hats and long-sleeved tops and sunscreen and sunglasses, or stay out of the sun altogether, if this is our natural environment? The simple answer is that The Earth can’t be Our Natural Environment.

3. Back Pain:

        Approximately 90 per cent of adults experience back pain at some point in their life. 50 per cent of working adults suffer back pain every year. But the interesting fact is that no other animal has this problem not even giraffes and our ancestors c
himpanzees, gorillas and monkeys do not have this problem. what do you think is the reason behind it? The answer is we didn't evolve we came here or were brought here from that place, where gravity was slightly more powerful than Earth. 

4. Birth Issues (Big Babies):

        Our babies grow way too big inside their poor mothers, who have a devil of a job getting them out. The pelvic opening is barely large enough, and the baby has to rotate in complicated ways to pass through it. If anything goes wrong during this process, both the mother and her baby can suffer serious injury, permanent disability, or even death. No other truly native (non-domesticated) species has this problem. It is because the foods of the earth ar
e over-nutritive for us that babies grow larger than normal in the mother's womb.

   To understand this take an example roundworm or tapeworm which is present in the stomach of almost every creature of the world. In other animals, they are too small and can't harm them but in humans, they get a better environment than they need for that they get much bigger than normal.

5. DNA Anomalies:

        Scientists working on the Human Genome Project and other DNA projects have discovered an extra 223 genes (out of a total of about 20,000) in us that don’t appear in any other species. Some of these orphan genes may have arisen from non-coding sequences of DNA. This is known as de novo origination. Another possibility is duplication and divergence during a period of rapid evolution. Or they could have come from natural or artificial horizontal transfer from another organism.
    Some (non-mainstream) geneticists believe that aliens may have spliced the
223 orphan genes into the genome of one of the Earth’s native hominins,
such as Homo erectus or Homo habilis. Those gene
s may have come
directly from the aliens themselves. 

6. Our Real Missing link: 

        According to Darwin's Theory- monkeys or chimpanzees are not our ancestors, it says that their and our ancestors are one. But till now no evidence can prove that today's humans evolved from ancient's monkeys. It means that there is a missing link. Do believe that we become directly human from monkeys without leaving any proof?

7. Rapid Development Rate (Super-intelligence):

        This is another reason that makes us think of this that is our Rapid
Development rate. The amazing fact is that humans took lakhs of years to make a simple tool from stone and that humans took only seven thousand years to 
improve that they are going to another planet now. Our evolution does not look natural here.

8. Our response to the environment (Destruction of the Environment): 

         Every creature makes changes themself in changing environment except humans. Humans are the only ones who try to change the environment according to them. If too cold we don't practise changing ourselves to live but we burn fire or make a machine to keep our environment hot. 

    Nature tries all possibilities to keep itself stable, which genes are a danger to it, she kills them and that species can't do anything; but to humans, nature failed and that's why our population is growing over day by day. 

9. We can't Sence Natural Disaster: 

        Many of the Earth’s creatures can sense natural disasters hours or even days
before they occur. They can sense things like earthquakes, tsunamis,
hurricanes, floods, and so on. If we descended from the ancestors of t
creatures, and we’re at the Top of the Evolutionary Tree today, we ought to be
able to sense them too. After all, the phenomena existed long before any
visible life evolved. But we’re completely oblivious to the oncoming danger. The first we know about it is when it hits us – and often kills us.
     So why can’t we sense such destructive phenomena when much simpler creatures can? Well, the logical conclusion is that our original home planet doesn’t have any natural disasters. It’s a reasonable enough assumption.

10. Our Poor Sence of Direction:

        Almost every animal in the world finds and returns their home easily by using the earth's magnetic field. It is the reason, Salmon can find their way back to their spawning grounds from thousands of miles away. Homing pigeons can find their way back to their roosts from wherever you set them free – even if you take them to another country and keep them in the dark for the whole journey. Migratory birds fly thousands of miles, yet return to the same nesting sites six months later. 
We humans need GPS for doing the same thing.
    Biologist says that in our brains there is the cell which can detect the magnetic field, but we don’t seem to be able to use them though, and no one knows why. There is a  possibility that the magnetic field on our home planet might be much stronger than the Earth’s and we can detect it there.

According to this theory, Where We Came From? and How is the Planet we come from? What is our Home Planet look like?
Let's know about it-

Cloudy Atmosphere:

        As we can't tolerate the sun too much so the planet we came from that may be covered by a cloudy atmosphere, that the sunlight doesn't reach the surface in that much quantity, which also protects us from UV rays.

Less Prone to Disasters:

      We are unable to sense disasters like earthquakes so we can say in that planet disasters like these may happen less or don't happen. It is only possible if on that planet the crust is one single piece, without any tectonic plates and if there are no seasons and the weather is permanently mild. So there was never any need for us to develop the mechanisms for detecting them.

Binary Solar System:

        There’s an intriguing theory that our Sun might have a binary twin. If this is
true, then its twin must be incredibly distant. But the Sun’s orbit seems to
be being affected by a weak gravitational force that’s consistent with it
being part of a binary system.
    Also, there is another reason that is our skin colour- For the presence of melanin in our skin there is a change in our colour, as in the hot region people's skin colour is black and also in the cold region that people's skin colour becomes white, It seems that the light of that planet is not always the same.  It is only possible when the planet has an electrical orbit or orbits two stars.

More Gravity than Earth:

        Earth's gravity is less powerful for us so our bodies grow fast for that we face the problem like back pain, it doesn't happen with Earth's native beings.
     As we saw earlier, we have cells in our brains that can detect magnetic fields, but they don’t seem to work here. This suggests that our home planet must have a stronger magnetic field than the Earth has.

Similar Climatic Condition:

        Just because we live on Earth easily, we can say the climatic condition of our home planet is almost the same.


        Aliens may not be brought all creatures from there, which means their civilization has also evolved but their development may happen faster than us because natural disasters don't have any effect on their development.

More Powerful Magnetic Skill:

          As we saw earlier, we have cells in our brains that can detect magnetic fields, but they don’t seem to work here. This suggests that our home planet must have a stronger magnetic field than the Earth has.

What if we try to find a planet like it what could be that?

        Before we can begin compiling our list of candidate stars, we’ll need to make a few assumptions. Let’s start with the assumption that the extraterrestrials who brought us here can travel at near-light speed, but they can’t take shortcuts through wormholes or use warp drives.
    Let’s also assume that our bodies continued to age during our journey to Earth. If some of us needed to be capable of bearing children by the time we arrived, that would limit the travelling time to about forty years at most. If the journey took forty years, the people selected to give birth (probably to implanted fetuses) once they reached Earth would have been young children when they set off from our home planet. The adults who travelled with them would have been quite elderly by the time they arrived. 
    If we stick to those assumptions, it’s reasonable to assume that our home planet is no more than 40 light-years from Earth.

        The Hubble Telescope of Earth has found some of the planets within that distance where life may exist. The amazing fact is that the planet is present in Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B systems. So did we find that planet? 

Dear readers this is only a theory nothing here is proven, so if you want to believe in it you can and if you don't want to then don't do.

What do think comment below to say your thoughts about it or contact me by sending a message. To Know more interesting science facts stay engaged with us.

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